Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blog Grids

 People tend to express themselves in different ways.

Some individuals tend to express themselves through artwork with paintings, sculptures, and drawings. Some may express their inner most thoughts and feeling through music, from relating to the lyrics to the song or hearing the soft piano music sooth your mind and put you at ease and for others they may drift and let the flow of the music take them away to a safe place but for others they blog, they generate their thoughts and feelings onto paper, type them up, and publish their thoughts, ideas, and opinions online for others to read to relate, or understand a different point of view other than their own.
In Bayan Community, English 114, the class was given a grid. The task was to complete the grid by answering its questions. The way to complete the grid is that we had to gather all pervious reflection assignments and using the reflection papers as a template, one slowly completes the grid.  One question that was asked on the grid assignment was, “Who’s my intended audience?” For example, with one of my reflection papers was about the chaos that crashers create on the first couple of days of the start of the semester. I mention that crashers delay class time and lose student focus to learn and keep professors from educating their students. At the end of the reflection paper I state and or call out “If you are that individual crashing.” So who is my intended audience?
My main intended audience is the crashers, or freshman that is entering a college environment for the first time. Other people who may also be a part of my intended audience may be new professors who never taught in a college educational setting before or parents whom would like to understand what the first day may be like for their children. Another question being asked on the grid assignment is, “Links? YouTube Clips? Images?” The use of these materials is extremely important. It stimulates the brain and keeps the reader of the blog interested.


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